2023年11月2日 星期四

I can describe you how I feel it when I comes to America as the EF that time.

Right, but this movies doesn't have a registering me what that is, until Keanu has a 26 at that time, his name is Chars. That is Keanu's name. Silicon Valley as Lauren I can see, not Laura, and law degree? Nick ! I used to think that Steve Jobs biography sounds like .....

And I say, Silicon Valley in Asia has a name. Its Giant, economic term.

That is 10 years ago. Right now would be 20 years ago. I realize you mean Prince Charlies that time?! or Nicky?! No one told me they exist that time. I don't really read the newspaper in that way. I think I took it a lot more in 2014 that time. That is very visible to me...Keanu and 26, and right in the history France time 1515, let me think how I die.....Oat?! Da Vinci Sacred Text.

2015 I found that out, I freak out. I know the painting, but I was in the notebook. oh no ...

The rest...

I didn't watch the movie too many times, I roughly can guess. 

Adam is the first love ?!  Laura had a bf, right. She told me. 

I think the court room might be a lot more experience in the movies overall writing, I can describe to you really happened things in my life, not I really know why they look like that.

If you really asking me....

26 took Keanu KR away, or Lauren takes Simon gone.

Twin's movie: Parents Trap, that is Nick?! Hallie's mom, you mean Something Gonna Give. 

Sailor Moon has 4 to take that guy away, meaning KR again.....I will be what?! I say Sariputra, meaning I gonna die right there....I can tell. All right, since I have to die, there is the options how I will make myself dead. One of those condition meets the criteria 

SHE something about the spiritual sound. Let me think what that is. ....1 is Sariputra, 2. Kr, 3. Purna's 4. Tony, all my money because of him. 5. Purna.

That is a brilliant way starting with all this. 2014.....



目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...