2023年11月2日 星期四

🦅 they told that Vampire movie - they looking for a Home Owner Manual

Home Depot mostly (Office Depot)

All the utility meaning confidently processing the billing per degree order file-ing things. The highlight or I write the day is very legible. Printers …

A typical American home exactly like Twilight like Dr Gabriel, that inside the movies, you need a car, a car license, or a car license plate every 2 years meaning you show up DMV, a very clean cut household manage a basic. You don’t have that much as you think with those back-up. Not even in the military you might think if they can live in the dorms, they stay forever there with the 3 meals on the government food stamp. That’s a billing, they don’t know or they are not told. Eat at home are better.

I think they meant those drill, or nick was from that Era, he and Totto, they were carpentry. The very basic nails or hammer or steady something you know it’s not steady you will call someone to make sure things can hold. The objective universe. 

Berkey Emergency water.

You are driven into a mode no one can breathe and you don’t lean on their way, they sabotage themselves or on purpose to make a mistake to test your patient because you cannot let them go. They gamble on that, very bad attitude. 

I think ….

The moment they land its war. Everything you will hate about them that time. I design that house.  The reason they are stable or steady and commanding power, it’s because they have lived that life. Every tones of that voice, it means serious.

Right now you don’t do the right things, by that time they will finish killing. You all do on purpose. When they mean it not that not that not that, you challenge you bet on whom gets whom’s way, you will never have one lean way with them. 

Inside a home right now, at this America design world, they still kept all that tradition steady you drive a car out of the residential place. In Asian it’s similar to their capital life. It’s a little bit different but there is a way how America runs that. You cannot burn your hand to process a cold water undernearth you yourself. You do on purpose yo get your hungry, you do on purpose to get dehydrates, you do on purpose to forget the shop time to back up. You stay on the tears to all things fake. No one cares a torment spirit like you, she told you you will have no more love after 40 years. Just move on, stare at your career or the jobs, it’s where the money practical people will tell you, any of those attitude will NEVER find a job. People walk on the road they know what it is. Just by hearing you talk or seeing your friends or all you’re too perfect cannot let go the facebook, that’s 10 years ago. 

Old Age

In-grown nail, or one of those everyone sees the internet, its called the corn. You think Hailey where he is from, 10 -15 years you begging on the floor someone save you, its where you will be mental institutionalized. Not because they cannot do that right now. You start to read the books or sell your parents home so anything familiar in your memory is gone, you move to the rental house you will forever NEVER getting a real house ever again while they are alive, you never asking them.

Sorry, if you just asking him right now, not all that enemy, or how you say, putting into a word, talking normal, you...go and hydrate your body parts will not get to those very harden you seeing every doctors are cutting the senior people's foot nail with a chistle?

Your diet, or Hailey's father (Zawanna says or Kail or Ancient Chasez) will tell you, all your weight, he didn't need to teach you a thing, because the correct MD intern will have notice that, its a very very basic thing for any medical intern to do the right things, not blah on about how soon you will turn senior and he will be dead, and no one watching his kids, but that Anna.

You will have the personal staffs ....(Zawanna will tell you that)

You are fighting so hard, its not every weekend you cutting your toe nail, or that will be 3 weeks to a month you doing that. How come she never complains that if someone would have typing on the internet so much, at least she will say something where I stare at or feeling that.

(Wait, no...not that kind of the power. No, I don't will my will on that parts. None of you telling me how bad that is, or you gonna tell you its Hailey dad bothering you, or something like I should know why he exists? He exists because his missionary goes to the South Taiwan. I saw that last whichever times. They went train down. )

Listen, as a girl, you have this Target those big container, I usually used in UB to put the warm water in it, if I staying on my PC all days here in Taiwan, I can leave my feet in it. You doing this per body clean up, that is the only way I know how to do it. I done that since I saying all goodbye to you, I never done to anyone, just for myself its convivence. And therefore I told you American medical board is the only correct things. You just need to listen.

Z: You need to make people to like about you.

If you want some personal assistant, those social workers, or the where for the handicap service, you start to inquiring them for your parents, helping somewhat, you make that person like about you, some of them know people in 20 years time when you grow old.

(The birds quack, their nail, or their feather I think ...)

The birds say Wing

Here (1:24)

I know you eye glasses in the shower, the other fatty on the period, about 2 years ago we starting or before Hailey's dad they were told I exist.  Now I guess you use your eye glasses for your foot? No, I don't need. If you curls on your bed, get a tissue paper, fold your legs in, its right at your eye sight you bent down. You touch per 2 side the nails growing....

Is this guy a doctor hurts you more? Whomever named...including the reality people?!

This is not about my video on Niko and... knifes those industrialists use. No, those will not be Hailey's dad, he has the glooves, like Dr. Bing Shen.

No, it takes off, you need a week just laying around doing nothing, its very wounded to the foot, I personally last year, which year, I had, and I cleaning up all the floor and the sandle or the socks?

Right...no. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BzZYkjSLJdE

There is a skin cared below ....is that included, the skin care?

Correct, if the medical board asked me, I will almost tell the, a lot of this foot works...its a surgical almost idea. Most people known that as to scrap them....right. You all never imagine doing an injection or what is those aesthesia around where when you seeing the TV. Your per muscle lining not feeling it, because it was injected all around, until that insertion can make a cut, and you seeing all this side by tissues, 




目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...