2023年11月2日 星期四

They have a lot of things to nag.

Your diet ...I drink soup, (maybe not at this time better), but assuming I am carrying a normal life routine I create a soup, like the soup, or something one meal having another person making one soup.

One of those. Its rice in the soup.

  • MH those are not the culinary herbs. The culinary herbs are those you grown them, or you seeing them label at your grocery store.
  • MH is not Dr. Christopher's son, that is a separate company from Amazon.
  • Amazon is a e-commence website.
  • The gardening manual those are at the Home Depot. Your Thanksgiving lunch ....to ask.
  • Amazon those have a label, a container, or a bottle a lot more clear.
  • MH he lives in Ohio with a fish pound.
  • Its a very similar older time how those household having that harvest and cultivating the land included.
  • You are not going to be that Flower Thousand Bone Ep 01.

Looks like Bill, the X Man.

Your current medicine field, no one will be practicing that MH or the herbalists, that college is in Canada, forget about it. No one does that in your medical school, nor their medical intern, ANYONE hears one thing about any of that kind of....old fashion just like his website.

You do not mix your modern those vaccum, or micro, or the bacteria or viral all that near anything mix with all of any of that.


I highly doubt you care about the BBQ, how to skillet anyhing.


Nothing at all. You fill up 4 or 5 plates + one empty plate for this guy whomever that is, bring that outside, he just stood there with a chair to sit on.

  1. Like bell pepper washed and cut
  2. Potato already boiled or lightly boiled you put in the aluminum foiled
  3. Aluminum foil of asparagus. 
  4. The meat or the soy meat
  5. The garlic close lid something they do in the video with the oil, because if he got those cover, he just sit in the chair waiting that thing for 20 mins. The lid down.
  6. Yesterday that eggplant cut, or the King's mushroom. Yeah, you cut like that.
  7. Some people eating the corns.
  8. Because if the red bell pepper got roasted, they can becoming the hummus. 
All the smoke goes out, not indoor. The hood. Everything you cook elaborate, its to washing that Chimel, well, the smoke went up.

You don't have a herb shop in the modern time, period. Meaning walking in....Flower Thousand Bone Ep 01.



目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...