2023年11月2日 星期四

No, it doesn’t work like that.

If you close down my entire channel, meaning the ending of the 夢幻遊戲, they knows cheaper 52, those are all jailed, it’s everything as ugly as they can less putting all that. But still… people’s mind care about the cartoon or the TV. So if you close down 2 or 3 weeks on, you have no more strength in life.

You use 194 Pixie or 194 military or in-line surveillance whichever combine SWAT or police or the fireman collective feeling +1.

That life is not your realistic and got excited life. You got pomped and you cannot verbalize. Then, these music groups make people trust them since 90s. Not everyone can keep the look but they do their best to keep their health. Of course, you happy for them.

But these aren’t real in your very near by all life.

You very life have your family, your teacher, your Facebook 20 years since UB (American Congress facebook) you have a network Linkedin, if you drawing how many circle you have. Your uncle, your aunt…your cousin from K1 - K12.

I have no more them, but you have? You live and grow up with them.

194 was all I had for many years.

If they are the students years after years, and the survillience people. You feel safe. I teach them the ten subjects and you feel safe? You been to the border, if you tour the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, they have 3 exits, another one is Lewiston Queens.

Your family is there waiting for you …remember when you are home, you know that one Thanksgiving lunch +the whole afternoon if not taken nap, you all buddy in one’s house, you will see some older face whom are stable. Some lose shape some might not lose the shape asking you what you are checking on your computer. Remember?

That’s the family. You don’t need to make them “one day” family or you all renounce. Find the words to communicate with them. Asking them how they are doing …

Neptune Uranus - theme



You draft or write some clear English to talk to them. Make them in the part of your life, a Christmas concert or a look out outdoor you all CAC girls gone to the park, I vaguely remember …the outdoor concert and you have to pack a bottle water and some snacks. Some you keep the shape, so you make yourself shine in walking all those park site.

A lot of people are not thin anymore, you helping your family to keep slim, one is one, 2 is 2. Including you yourself.  Of course they are aging and they won’t be there, or they already not there your part of life. Your life is your bank account. They are your family around meaning they know the life isn’t spelling bees those. Ask them about their life story. Ask them what do they do and make a choice in life !

These are a very simple social life to make a talk, to make an acquaintance…tell them your real issue. Give a correct word, they will listen ! Not that face attitude with the food chew inside your mouth. Really …if they know that your face you showing and done to me the same you done to every one of them.

Don’t put those classify words inside your mouth, be normal and he approachable. Learn how they talk in the alternative media - those are all in English.

“I came upon some video I read or I listen to, it wasn’t always my first intuitive sight that I understand, but I have found some resourceful means but it all fails.”

“I have some troubles in the school, when I was attending the university I had a very few I seem to know but not really friends on my facebook. I seen some shared things and I went to test and error. Or shall we say a lot of us got moving into a different career chosen field. I wonder what they doing, because I am not doing all that well myself.”

“One of them say or comment on things I didn’t really understand or do you want to see? It’s in my facebook. I have a Linkedin too. But these are more of the professional people - you cannot touch that.”

“They say I am extreme, you both sit side by side are older, do you think I am extreme? In what way?”

“I did want to make an impression but I was told I think in one way, and outwards expression is exactly your every other way than people can understand the correct ways.”

“I have never buffer a situation, I already tell people’s the end of the conclusion, my own conclusion and that throw people off.”

98 Degree with Joey




My everything 


Ronan is in Ireland 


You realize Ireland is not America ? Taiwan is a separate country. Each country has their own distribution of the family in their income statues. They are the celebrity.

Otter shake hands 



A cluster free otters in Singapore


Pang kisses goodbye America, so is your Biden kiss goodbye China.

That one Congressman to that same very female Judge. You all never been so close to the television networks !!

PC games (mobile)


Next time gaming ? 

Westlife - Beautiful Tonight

Be the university principle, know your subjects.




目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...