2023年11月1日 星期三

My court paper number might be more than 777, you know ....

How I squeeze everything in ONE Lawsuit...

       __  __                                    __ 

__  __   __        __ 

    ___________                                    ___________   

  \                          \                               \                          \

|    \ _____________\                          |   \ _____________ \

|    |  Room 502         |                           |    |                           |     ___

\    |  Room 432         |                           \    |                           |

   \ |  Room 600  ___ |                              \ |  ____________ |

          __                            __               __  __                                    __ 

__        __ 

The Revolution Girls telling you, "They know" whom you are, where you got from.  You debuted a certain stage, and that trend of the uprising of the women rights is up, and the girls want to be a lot more sufficient and the eloquence. But these girls are what you called individuality. Meaning you seeing her as one, or as a small family.

In the upper world, you will see those mature or even saying they are they gay couples, that is 2 people. The guys. I never really seeing much the girls. This cartoon brings up that system data all the way to the external world all around, but you see, no one really coming out of the planet for saying why we cannot just stay in that one planet, everyone else is traveling or doing the Star or Galaxy too giant jobs, you need a personality, or the height.

The Hollywood or Bollywood = the film industry

The music artists = the musician industry

The Youtubers = that is Google, or the online landscape for the author content creation. They have some people showing up last time they have those award ceremony. 

I didn't have anything in any of this. So even if you seeing a building, almost to just saying you imagine from your local state, you might already been to the court room, the voice sounds like mine.

Really. None of this court room activities, your parents might tell you, their first intuitive feeling to what you are, or your GPA, or your past they know about you, to what words they hear from you to what literally you might be behind your own parents back to the court, and if you didn't send yourself to jail, since 10 years ago....its still persist on going.

You are not used to be in any other jobs other than the home owner manual, until you die on the street because you drop the Digital Era. 

Movie: Big Hero 6

Someone die inside his own room, those shelf he didn't mount on the wall right, or he thinks that is cute, so he uses his hand to reach out a help, by the first thing dropped on his head, he die. I think that is the only thing with the movie, a very small tiny part.

He fallen between his book desk and the bed. He reaching the help high enough, the first thing drop, its on his head and he died.

No more other stories. 




目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...