2023年11月2日 星期四

I drive a lot so I think....if everyone has to work, and sometimes vocation because Tina has a kid, one of those included.

All that... sometimes its not the most immediately things, the authority didn't say get it done today, so I feel the entire air in California just sunny happy to go and join some activities and I did some of that.

When the Google+ started, no, but ...I carry a little bit. 

I had something on my head. 

They probably I have no idea really. They suppose to talk to the parents first, I would think the mature way to do, including calling a lawyer, or knock a lawyer's office what time? The early morning or night time? And not Tonawanda Western New York from Rochester at early night time, you mean you told your parents you gone there, with I-90, but Tonawanda is a lot more north if saying the North Tonawanda. All that is not a straight driving. 

If they didn't tell their parents, first of all, that is really really bad. 

So second, the lawyer means file-ing with a fee, and that is with the parents guidance 10 years ago? This Mummy women is which mom, cannot tell, she is the only person going to Washington D.C with this UB group.

The first post after lunch. (the post before lunch)

You know Magallana's mother's story, she poison the entire Sangha's food, sent to the hell. 

From here, I think its the lawyer contact the court room, or the fee, or something combine, but I am not in the movie, or I was not told I exist to the court room. I guess they walk separately to the Judge, in a different time, or everyone don't know Lee exists with his gf.

They suppose to tell their parents 1) 2) 3)

1) 10 years ago, before the car to the lawyer's office, 2) Paying the fee to the lawyer, 3) how their parents beside them at the court room right at the Judge.

I can intellects understood that is the correct things to do. I always do that. But if they don't...you mean how long they lie to their parents without me knowing it, and what happened when their parents found out that? 1 years later?

So, no...I can only see if they pass what things to enter the court room, you have to walk into the court room, so the Judge sit on Top. This part, I don't know. They probably knows there is a plaintiff or the defendant. Every law book looks like that.

And whom is the defendant? The American government, that is smart. 

No, I didn't get told. No idea. 



目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...