2023年11月2日 星期四

⭐️⭐️ Whom? Their attitude becoming worsen and worsen, everyone. ⭐️⭐️

I wonder why.

You use to can ask them things, every little small tiny favors, right now, you cannot open up your mouth, you know-it-all biggest mouth of the universe. You are defected, that is what you mean. Anything in life you need were no more ...

1) Your brain think.

2) to becoming a lie through the mouth to keep talking.

3) Tell you to get up from the couch you are on the What's up App, your tear cannot soak in 5 mins more.

4) You come back to the reality its the cold outdoor wind, its not your home, you have to go back to your own apartment.

I just told my mother, early morning I told her the in-grown nail about 30 mins ago, now I told her the foot, she says the ear ring, the hole close ! 

oh ~~~

Right, I say any small tiny favors you cannot get. Zawanna jump so mad every degree of this thing ( so many times now). You go to poke someone or hurting them, because they will not come with you those small tiny favors, and you cannot ask them. You need them to begging you, that is what the movies meant.

They are your maid.

You don't allow anyone to get the helps, its for everyone suffering in order to beg you and keep hurting me. That is not the TV classify material given you any tiny right if you don't just immediately ending up in the hell be killed at this very moment, whom begging whom.



目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...