2023年10月31日 星期二

There is another Asian above you, Wing

Go home and kick the lower shelf, one of those.
Like Biden, like 楊洋

There is a lot of the working methods during this time such as the Judge accidentally push the buzz, if anything is not in my interest, she will be replaced, police will kill everyone until every case correct, you all have to start all over again.

Such as Biden on the nuclear switch to North Korea included.

The same buzz.

Nominji commercial looking, here.

This Asian guy knows Dr. Bing Shen is using his wife. But it will be the first time he heard the Western world people are more noble or more worse. The normal Asian guy or the man, usually are within the Asian world themselves to do the right things, hardly will be in among the top bracket of any Pharmacy or Medicine field in that sense anywhere in America.

Something about the character, something about the knowing your way out.

I am not sure what I see is relevant when I wake up from my bed...
Is this...

Okay, I understand now.


You are all very political and the religious fanatic inside your own political views or the religions. Listen to what Riley says....because we were having that facebook, remember, you didn't accept that Colonix, or Curezone. It may not be my brother too. I don't know which one of you keep stealing my UB facebook common open facebook link, or astronomy, or anything comes to my views....that time.

One of those are the New Age, one of those will have detox, one of those will have the Glow-to-Go art, one of those will be Lee's organic website, one of those would be Khan Academia included, one of those its that guy gone to TED.

One of those will be one day we arrive 2014, I wasn't dead. I don't know which prayers you wish more....really up to 2023. This graduation we done that too often. If you keep your shape, its not you = Biden. he has a way how he manages his own health.

When I was on my facebook, I only advocate the theory on the Methane, you all heard, there was nothing about the real teaching of that SMCH, nor anything big deal unless you gone to my personal website, remember? How many those websites?  No, not the facebook. The graphic you see....

When that Judge or through that American medical board went to tell the Judge, that I mentor you all so there is all these data included, in whichever sense.....that scene is not forever. You don't go imagine everyone understands you, if you keep healthy, or you keep a certain talk never end. You know what is a certain talk? Everyone got very very fat. VERY giant fat, it was in APO, or none of them helping each other coming it down.

American Classify are not one word in anywhere in the main stream media

FOREVER. But it can only exists in the alternative says, and those are gone too from the Google Youtube Channel. When you doing your job one day, you suppose to report to the American medical board every small tiny funny thing, as if the whole world people population are dead, in any of this classify hear talk.

But I am not even sure you English listening or your comprehensive, which words they say, you understand...to discern anything if you were saying 2006 that time, or Conan Detective. Its not the screen inside, its your brain, none of that are trying to 007.

The Main stream media is where the Good Morning America, or CNN.

Not this Online media outlet, its just a channel. When I going behind, it was long time I am doing this. It exist in the Dream Exchange Games Chapter 52 with a feather ends, none of that were your reality.

Not MH, not Tamang, I deal with that. Not Dr. Gabriel, not New Age, remember? Before Flower Thousand Bones in the lawsuit all over the place with the System talk. Not Prince Harry, not Ola, not all that inside those frames of seeing or knowing. A lot of those things in changing another set of the people

When did you hear one word I say about

  1. SMCH religion practice.
  2. Politics

Education in English

Education in literacy

Education in Ancient Chinese, in Math, in Geography, in Astronomy, in Painting, in Music....

You start to realize, no one has the education, everyone does what things in the Youtube, you realize not everyone understand the glass technology, you realize no one abide to Pixie, you realize that word or that term, never exist.....forever or eternal.


You building an Eden by yourself, that is 100 people in UB this one UB Facebook or someone added later, not with me for 20 years, someone may not even remember me. 

Not birds, not otter, not bandage any stranger Remember? Any stranger ...or even you yourself or your parents. It might be a very very simple things. 



目犍連的媽媽 Magallana's mother

目犍連的媽媽,清海她們有某種版本故事,我找亞洲的,Tiny 小世代 4.0 Hive 身高 ( height ) 誰?你們誰會法語 ( whom knew French ) 我不吃巧克力 非常清楚腦袋 照片可能是假的 The very very clear brain, the ...